2023.10.03 Tue
17th Fukuoka Game Contest “GFF AWARD 2024” Application Overview
– Game Software Category (Submission Deadline: January 5th, 2024)
Submission Content:
Original game (gameplay footage), planning documents & instructions
*Footage should be 30 seconds to 1 minute in length and highlight game features.
– Game Graphics & Art Category (Submission Deadline: November 17th, 2023)
Submission Content:
Design a fictional game world following the theme below.
*1x A3 size sheet (portrait or landscape).
Theme: “New Humanity”
– AI Game Graphics & Art Category (Submission Deadline: November 17th, 2023)
Submission Content:
Design a fictional game world using AI tools following the theme below.
*1x A3 size sheet (portrait or landscape).
Theme: “Destruction and Creation”
– Game Design Category (Submission Deadline: November 17th, 2023)
Submission Content:
Original game concept following the theme below.
* 5-10 A4 size sheets, single-sided.
Theme: “Time Travel”
For submissions and inquiries:
Address: 810-0041, 2-6-5 Daimyo, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka, Tenjin Nishi-dori Building 6F
Fukuoka Game Contest Operations Office (within Breakthrough Inc.)
Phone: 092-715-0755
Email: fgc@break-net.com
*We don’t accept submissions via email.