2017.08.07 Mon

Exhibition entitled “Welcome to the arts of Myanmar” in celebration of the sister-city agreement between Fukuoka and Yangon.

An exhibition entitled “Welcome to the arts of Myanmar” will be held at the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum in order to celebrate the sister-city agreement between Fukuoka and Yangon.
A selection of around 30 pieces from the museum’s collection charts the development of art in Myanmar from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day, with artworks ranging from western-style paintings of royalty from the days of the British Empire to stunning Buddhist artwork, typified by golden pagodas, through to modern works artfully criticizing life under military rule.
The exhibition also introduces works from Myanmar artists working in Fukuoka under the artist in residence program, presenting the fruits of artistic exchanges between Myanmar and Fukuoka.
See the below link for further details:

Exhibition period: 31st August (Thurs), 2017 ~ 9th January (Tues), 2018.
Location: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Asia Gallery.
Admission price: general ¥200 (¥150), high school/college student ¥150 (¥100), free entry for middle-school age or below
※The admission price also grants entry to other exhibits in the Asia Gallery.
Organization: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum
Inquiries: Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Tel: 092-263-1100

Featured Works:

Saya Pon《Shwedagon Pagoda》, 1917

Teito《Story》, 2006

Nieinchansu《Stage at the Schwedagon Pagoda》, 1998
