2019.01.24 Thu
Holding an “E-Sports meetup in FUKUOKA Vol. 1”
This is an announcement for holding an “e-Sports meetup in FUKUOKA Vol. 1”.
On Saturday, February 2nd, just before EVO Japan 2019 is held at the Fukuoka International Center, we will be inviting industry leaders and holding a panel event to talk about various matters involving e-Sports.
We have also prepared time for a Q&A session and for exchanging business cards. Please feel free to join in.
◇Please visit the following address to register◇
1 Date and time: Saturday, February 2nd 2019, 3:30P.M. to 6:30P.M.(Reception starts at 3:00P.M.)
2 Venue: Fukuoka City Startup Cafe(2-6-11 Daimyo, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, FUKUOKA Growth Next, 1st floor)
3 Speakers:
Mr. Mori Toshimichi (Director and head producer of development, Ark System Works Co., Ltd.)
Mr. Tsubooka Akihito (Representative director and CEO of Akatsuki Fukuoka Co., Ltd.)
Mr. kizoku (Representative of NORA-RENGO (pro game team))
Mr. Nakajima Kenichi (President of the Fukuoka e-Sports Association)
Mr. Koichi Shimizu(Representative director of Linked Brain Co., Ltd.)
4 Sponsor: Linked Brain Co., Ltd.
5 Held in collaboration with the Fukuoka e-Sports Association (FeA),
Fukuoka City Startup Cafe
6 Supported by Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Directive Council
7 Attendance is free
(*Please bring your business card. If you do not bring one, your name will be taken at the reception desk.)
8 Registration: Register from ATND (https://atnd.org/events/103510)
9 Capacity: 50 people