2015.01.19 Mon

Taylor Deupree PHOTO EXHIBITION “The Long Winter”


A photography exhibition titled “The Long Winter” now on display is showcasing the work of Taylor Deupree, who is active in a variety of fields as a sound artist, graphic designer and photographer.
Taylor Deupree has built a strong relationship with Japan through his recent work including CD cover art and a performance with Ryuichi Sakamoto. At the exhibition, there are photos taken amidst the record snow storms that hit New York these last couple of winters. The work catches the eye of the audience as it attempts to bring to light a hint of spring throughout the severe cold weather. Deupree’s photos go beyond demonstrating the physiological changes that take place with the coming spring, by begging to question “What is the future?” through his unique interpretation of these winter landscapes.

In Japan, Deupree is well-known as a sound artist, however, this exhibition highlights his other impressive talents as both a photographer and graphic designer, and it must be seen.
